4 Moves You Didn’t Realize Make You Look Unprofessional in an Interview

Do any of these sound familiar?

(Original article by Stacey Gawronski)

By this point, you know not to apply to any jobs with an email address that screams, “I created this in the eighth grade!” So, you’re no longer Lovescats11@aol.com as far as your prospective employers are concerned. You also know not to show up late for the interview. And you have a firm grasp on the importance of making eye contact and delivering a solid handshake.

But did you know that there are several other things that could negatively impact the impression you make with a hiring manager? I spoke to four career coaches to get the outside-the-box scoop on the truly unprofessional things that are bound to hurt you in your job search process. Read on so you can avoid them like you avoid crowds on Black Friday…

Keep reading at USA Today

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